Eventi e Comunicazioni


"Con il Notiziario delle Eolie puoi usufruire del Bonus Pubblicità con credito d'imposta al 75%"  email bartolino.leone@alice.it 


L'Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima (ISAC) del CNR di Bologna e Lamezia Terme e il Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra dell’Università della Calabria organizzano dal/*6 al 9 luglio* /l’International Summer School ENVIMAT – ENVIroment MATerial interaction dal titolo "Preventive conservation of coastal archeological sites and cultural landscapes in the Mediterranean Basin".

I diversi interventi sono dedicati all’impatto dell’inquinamento e del cambiamento climatico, alla valutazione e gestione del rischio su resti archeologici costieri, complessi monumentali e paesaggi culturali, con un focus principale sulle misure di protezione dai rischi naturali e antropici (inondazioni, innalzamento del livello del mare, incendi e inquinamento).

Vengono inoltre discusse le strategie di preparazione, in risposta all’emergenza e il recupero. La scuola è pensata per fornire un ambiente informale e interattivo tra studenti e docenti e prevede anche una visita guidata al Museo Regionale di Lipari e una gita in barca per ammirare i terrazzamenti agricoli tipici del paesaggio delle Isole Eolie

Informazioni e adesioni al link: www.cieffeerre.it/ENVIMAT2022 http://www.cieffeerre.it/ENVIMAT2022; Facebook: www.facebook.com/EnviMat/ http://www.facebook.com/EnviMat/ Email: a.sardella@isac.cnr.it

PROGRAMMA ENVIMAT2022_Programme_Vs_23May2022.pdf 

Since 2014, the research group of the CNR-ISAC of Bologna that works on the impact of natural and anthropogenic events on environment and cultural heritage organizes the International Summer School ENVIMAT - ENVIroment MATerial interaction in collaboration with the University of Calabria (UNICAL DiBEST).

Every year the school is held in different countries, hosted by different Universities and Research Institutions, and counts about 30 participants. Among them scientists and researchers, teaching staff from other universities, professionals, policy and decision makers, students from different fields, cultural heritage managers and curators etc.

ENVIMAT 2022 focuses on "Preventive conservation of coastal archaeological sites and cultural landscapes in the Mediterranean Basin". Talks are dedicated to the impact of pollution and climate change, risk assessment and management on coastal archaeological remains, monumental complexes and cultural landscapes, with a main focus on measures of protection to natural and anthropogenic risks (floods, sea level rise, fires and air pollution).

Strategies of preparedness, in response to emergency and recovery are also discussed. During the last two years the school has been made online jointing ENVIMAT with the Cultural Property Protection Summer School organized by the University for Continuing Education Krems. The 2022 edition of ENVIMAT will be held, in person, from 6th to 9th July at the Aeolian Islands.

The school will be designed to provide an informal and interactive environment between students and lecturers and will also include a boat trip to explore the terraced landscape of the Aeolian Islands. The participation is free of charge. For those interested in participating in the summer school ENVIMAT 2022 information and registration form can be found here <www.cieffeerre.it/ENVIMAT2022> We’re working on the program that will be available soon. Deadline for application is May 31. Thank you very much for your attention. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need clarification.
